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MACRA 2019

  • Friday, October 05, 2018
  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM (EDT)
  • Webinar


Am I Ready?

Led by MA/RI MGMA, in collaboration with the CT MGMA, DE MGMA, MD MGMA, NY MGMA, PA MGMA, and VA MGMA.

About the Webinar

This webinar will cover the following:

  • 2019 Final Rule Expectations
  • MIPS versus AAPM
  • Strategy Session Plan
  • Financial Plan
  • Take the hit, Avoid the penalty, or Shoot for the Incentive?
  • Execution and Management Plan

About the Speakers

Robert Mencunas
Senior Program Coordinator
Healthcentric Advisors

Mencunas assists with the eligible clinicians and practices on the QPP for MIPS Medicare in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.  He provides  technical assistance via phone or in-person to any practice that needs help with the MIPS program.  Previously Robert worked with an IPA in Rhode Island as a Sr. Data Analyst assisting over 150 physicians on quality metrics and coding.  He also played minor league hockey in the early 1990s.

** Note: If you have firewall security on your computer, you may encounter trouble as you access the webinar.

Continuing Education Units

Earn up to 1.0 continuing education unit hours for each hour of education from the ACMPE, American College of Medical Practice Executives and up to 1.0 continuing professional educational credit hours for Certified Public Accountants for each hour of education from, The New York State Education Department, Professional Licensing Services. Our events are eligible for continuing education units as awarded by other professional associations. We recommend that you contact your professional association for their approval process.

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Diamond Corporate Sponsors!


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